Tag: Deborha Patten

  • 48 Hour Music Video Project : NOLA

    Kapture NOLA Presents ….. “ANTS” by Jealous Monk

    All Videos had to be filmed and edited within 48 hours.. Every scene had to have either the number “4” or the color “red”. 12 teams Competed..
    Filmed for the 48 Hour Music Video Project and voted on during screening at U.S. Mint on 11-19-2013
    The Video won 3 of 10 awards
    1. Best Special Effects 2. Best Graphics 3.Honorable Mention
    Filmed with a crew of 6 (including Talent)
    Special Thanks To Deborha Patten, Benny White, & Peter Black

    Some crews had over 40 people…..
    One Small Step for Man, one giant leap for Ant size people. Finally Back from space! it was a long journey but well worth it to rock for our many outer planetary Jealous Monk fans! S/O kaptureNOVA, i mean Kapture NOLA!