Saturday May 24, 2014
Ashley and Kendall became the Roberts
Wedding Photography & Video by Kapture NOLA
Song By John Legend “Made To Love” Buy here
Saturday May 24, 2014
Ashley and Kendall became the Roberts
Wedding Photography & Video by Kapture NOLA
Song By John Legend “Made To Love” Buy here
All Videos had to be filmed and edited within 48 hours.. Every scene had to have either the number “4” or the color “red”. 12 teams Competed..
Filmed for the 48 Hour Music Video Project and voted on during screening at U.S. Mint on 11-19-2013
The Video won 3 of 10 awards
1. Best Special Effects 2. Best Graphics 3.Honorable Mention
Filmed with a crew of 6 (including Talent)
Special Thanks To Deborha Patten, Benny White, & Peter Black
Some crews had over 40 people…..
One Small Step for Man, one giant leap for Ant size people. Finally Back from space! it was a long journey but well worth it to rock for our many outer planetary Jealous Monk fans! S/O kaptureNOVA, i mean Kapture NOLA!
ITS A LOVE THING! A benefit for Deborah Cotton,
A surviving victim of the senseless gun violence in the city we love so much. DJ Soul Sister our Music Aficionado for the evening.
Follow on Twitter @DebCotton @GasaGasaNola @DJSoulSister @NolaFunkBaby @KaptureNOLA
For more events/music go to &
Filmed at Gasa Gasa 4920 Freret St. NOLA.
Funk Baby Presents.. It s A Love Thing with DJ Soul Sister… @ GASA GASA from Kapture NOLA on Vimeo.
During the French quarter coverage of the Essence Festival weekend we were present for Jill Scott, Beyonce’, Maxwell, Janell Mone’, Brandi, LL Cool J, and many more. This chemical reaction of talented musicians is known as Essence Festival. For those of you that don’t know, the port city of New Orleans becomes an entertainment MECCA during the 4th of July weekend which has been an iconic music event since its conception in 1995. These days the streets become flooded with what can only be explained as the current face of black culture at its finest, and Kapture NOLA was right there in the thick of it. The flock of the fabulous and fashion forward attendees splattered the town in waves of, “which way???… this way???” travelers during this fan fair extravaganza.
Benny White
Get Down Lay Down – TNC Torcha
Follow Torcha @TNCBoys
Follow @KaptureNOLA
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Flow Tribe represents the next generation in New Orleans’ second line street funk. Musically diverse but rooted in the traditions of the Crescent City, Flow Tribe delivers with the delicacy of a sledgehammer. Described as “irresistible” by Relix magazine, Flow Tribe tours nationally and plays at major festivals such as New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, Walkarusa, and headlines major venues around the country. Their 2011 release garnered both local and national media coverage and earned a top 10 pick of 2011 by the New Orleans’ Times Picayune. 2013 brings even more festival exposure and the ambitious release of three albums by the end of the year. If soul grooving, backbone cracking music is what you need, look no further than Flow Tribe. (excerpt source)