Category: Baby Portraits

  • Ashley & Greg’s Family Portraits

    Had a great time capturing a beautiful family. Love the Shoes on the guys, and the flower for the lady. The car at the end was a welcome find to give us a few shots back in time. Enjoy

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  • Algiers Pediatrics 1 Year Anniversary

    We were asked to capture the celebration of the 1 year anniversary of Algiers Pediatrics.

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    Located at 3500 Kabel Dr, New Orleans, LA 70131, 504-249-5181 – From their website “At Algiers Pediatrics, we understand the importance of finding the right pediatrician for all of your little one’s health care needs. As parents, it is vital to have a pediatrician that you can trust and feel comfortable with. Please call our office to schedule a prenatal consultation with Dr. Cresswell today.”

  • Maternity Photography

    Marcus and Ellen’s Maternity shoot went so well the problem was picking the pictures to share.

  • Baby Gray Newborn Portrait Photography

    Newborn Portrait Photography by Kapture NOLA

    We had the pleasure of kapturing the newest edition to the the Grandpré Family. Baby Gray was a little cranky at first but once mom stepped in, things started to smoothe out. If you want pricing on your Newborn Photo Shoot please email

    For booking please visit the Contact Page

    for more portrait photography from Kapture NOLA please Click Here

    Newborn Portrait Photography